Audit Division

Audit Services that Help to Identify Potential Business Risk in Advance
Audits of financial statements comprise close to eighty percent of our business, a much higher percentage than most accounting firms. We are registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board(PCAOB) and a member of both the Center for Public Company Audit Firms and the Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center section of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA).
We also have an SEC public company audit practice. We attribute the success of our audit and tax practices to the high quality of our professional staff. Our audit personnel have many years of experience serving financial institutions, employee benefit plans, property/casualty insurance companies, not-for-profit organizations, manufacturers, securities broker/dealers and public companies.

Our Approach
Our audit approach is customized to audit the financial statements of a Company in the most cost-effective manner. We will perform a substantive audit focused on account balances at or near year end. We believe it to be essential to properly plan the audit.
We will meet with Audit Committee and management to discuss our overall audit plan, ways to maximize the use of internal accounting staff, the internal audit function, develop a time table in order to minimize disruptions to your daily operations and still meet your reporting deadlines. In addition, during this planning phase, we will gain an understanding of your overall objectives, strategies, operations, related business risks, and make a preliminary review of your accounting records, policies and procedures and identify any potential accounting or auditing problems that may result in material misstatements.

Comprehensive Audit Services for Business Excellence
We provide helpful and practical suggestions to management relating to administrative, financial and operational matters. Planning the audit helps us gain a complete understanding of our client’s business, so we can identify potential risk areas in advance. Identifying potential issues early gives us time to seek alternative solutions.
We pride ourselves on delivering the following services regardless of tight deadlines:
- Financial Statement Audits
- Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
(as required by Section 404b of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002) - Attestation Report Concerning the Effectiveness of
Internal Control Structure Over Financial Reporting - Employee Benefit Plan Audits
- Special Reports
- Review Services
- Agreed Upon Procedures